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First attempt at scratch building a OO gauge row of shops for the market square in Deresley. Part one deals with the basic construction and use of materials.
Thank you David for another great video and the wonderful scratch building. I did build some scalescenes kits allready, but like the combination you do with the card and the plastic combined. Looking forward to part 2.
Excellent. What an ingenious yet straightforward technique. And communicated just right. Very useful, thanks very much.
fantastic job David..well impressed.. your modelling skills speak for themselves cheers dave
Looks really neat David.
Thank you for this, very informative, and somewhat original in your techniques, now over to your part 2!
A great video David with lovely explanation of how you constructed the scratch built shops. Hoping to use some of your tips and techniques as soon as I complete the track laying and wiring phase of my layout.
Привет из Санкт-Петербурга. Красиво получается.
Мы с внуком то же балуемся этим. https://youtu.be/ZUcWFh3p43M
To get measurements of the building, you can use Google Earth.
This is a great vid, thank you so much for all the useful information and techniques. You deserve a lot more views and subscribers.
Been a long time David since we heard from you, hope you are alright
hey ,if anyone else needs to find out about making model scenery try Boshapra Amazing Scenery Boffin (just google it ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my buddy got excellent success with it.
Looks like a nice job. Are you sure your scale is correct? Only the shot with the cars they look a bit small in comparison. It maybe the cars scale is a bit suspect! But great job anyway.
Thank you David great and very helpful video